Our Services

Immune Globulin Infusion Therapy


Immune Globulin Infusion Therapy

As evolved as it may be, your immune system might still have a hard time working against or preventing certain diseases. With immune globulin infusion therapy at Serene Outpatient Infusion Center in White Plains, New York, you can safely strengthen your immune system with assistance from board-certified internist Raj Buddhavarapu, MD, and the team. Schedule your infusion consultation over the phone or online at Serene Outpatient Infusion Center today.

Immune Globulin Infusion Q & A

Immune globulin infusion therapy is a type of wellness infusion you can get under the team’s supervision at Serene Outpatient Infusion Center. It helps strengthen your immune system, so your body is more equipped to fight various diseases and infections. 

Inside your body, natural immunoglobulin is part of your blood plasma. It contains small components called antibodies, which fight disease. The immunoglobulin in your immune globulin infusion therapy at Serene Outpatient Infusion Center comes from donor plasma as experts can separate the immunoglobulin from the rest of the plasma. 

Most people require treatments every three to four weeks to keep their immune system fighting strong as it works against a particular illness. The team determines your dosage according to your weight. 

You can use immune globulin infusion therapy to manage a variety of conditions that your immune system struggles to effectively work against. After a detailed consultation and review of your medical history, the Serene Outpatient Infusion Center may recommend immune globulin infusion therapy to treat:

  • Myositis
  • Lupus
  • Multiple sclerosis and other neurological conditions
  • Guillian-Barre syndrome
  • Kawasaki disease
  • Various immune system deficiencies 

You might also benefit from immune globulin infusion therapy if you’ve recently received a bone marrow transplant as immunoglobulin helps prevent infections associated with the procedure. 

The team at Serene Outpatient Infusion Center coordinates your care with your specialists, primary care provider, or any other medical providers treating you. This ensures well-rounded care with positive outcomes. 

As you go through immune globulin infusion therapy at Serene Outpatient Infusion Center, the team frequently monitors you with lab tests relevant to your condition. They use the results of your lab tests to refine and optimize your immune globulin infusion therapy and adjust your dosages as necessary. 

Between visits, the Serene Outpatient Infusion Center team makes scheduled phone calls to check in on your results. During these calls, be sure to mention any concerns you have or symptoms that might indicate an adverse reaction.  

To find out more about immune globulin infusion therapy and the condition it treats, call Serene Outpatient Infusion Center or schedule an appointment online today.